This is day one. I weighted in this morning at 222.4- my goal weight in 85days is 170. That will be a total of 52pounds in 85 days.
My ultimate goal weight is 130lbs by June of 2012
I have broken my journey down into 3 phases. The smoothie experiment is phase one to detox and transition to a raw food lifestyle.
Phase two will be focusing in on exercise and fitness.
And phase three will be focused on maintaining a rawfood lifestyle and recipes and such. So this blog will continue after the green smoothie experiment and follow my progress until i no longer feel the need to have this blog.
I have been drinking the greens all day today and drinking a lot of water. I will be aiming for somewhere around 14-16 glasses of water per day. Today-I feel good for a while and then I feel horrible for a while. I had to lay down a lot today. I know my body is detoxing. And the poop-- there has been a lot of consistent poop. Funny thing is it doesn't really smell bad at all. It looks like large bananas in size and green like the smoothie in color.
Over all I feel wonderful I know this is a time for me to cleanse my body and get this weight off too. I have decided to make a lifestyle change this time. I am not going back to my SAD diet anymore.( thats standard American diet for those who don't know) All that processed food and dead food. I am going to eat live from now on. Salad is the main dish from now on. And greens in-particular.
I don't think I can go totally raw food right now, but I am going to try to start somewhere around 70/30. Once I start to feel better in a week or so, I will add an exercise routine.
Drink to better bones, help for your heart and an improved immune system—you get it all in this delicious Vitamix green smoothie!
Kale may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to making a great smoothie—but it is definitely one of the best! Dark leafy green kale is packed with calcium in a form that the body finds easier to digest than milk—and that’s a real bonus for your bones. Pair these nutritious but bitter leaves with pear, green grapes, and orange and a banana, and you get a surprisingly sweet smoothie that is absolutely loaded with nutrition.
Green grapes may help improve circulation and prevent blood clots—and the seeds contain protective flavinol compounds that fight free radicals and repair connective tissues. Oranges protect against colds, flu, heart disease and strokes with a big vitamin C immune boost. Bananas are a smoothie staple, but they are packed with cholesterol calming potassium.
Yield: 4 cups (960 ml)
Speed: Variable to High
Time: 1 1/2 minutes
- 1 cup green grapes
- 1 (130 g) orange, peeled
- 1/2 Bartlett pear
- 1 (120 g) banana, fresh or frozen
- 1 cup kale
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 cups ice cubes

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